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Black High School Females’ Images of the Scientist: Expression of Culture. Attitudes Towards Science: A Review of The Literature and Its Implications, International Journal of Science Education, 25(9), 1049-1079. PISA 2015 Results (Volume I): Excellence and Equity in Education. Students’ Attitudes Toward School and Classroom Science: Are They Independent Phenomena?School Science and Mathematics, 98(2), 76-83. Jambi: Program Sarjana Universitas Jambi FKIP Pendidikan Fisika. Pengembangan Instrumen Sikap Mahasiswa Terhadap Mata Kuliah Fisika Matematika: (Skripsi). International Journal of Science Education, 34(3), 329-352. Effects of an Integrated Science and Societal Implication Intervention on Promoting Adolescents’ Positive Thinking and Emotional Perceptions in Learning Science. International Journal of Science Education, 29(11), 1347-1362. The Nature of Science Education for Enhancing Scientific Literacy.

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The Myth of General Problem‐Solving Capability: Design and Technology as an Example.The Curriculum Journal,4(1), 73-89. Elementary School Students’ Attitude toward Science and Related Variables.International Journal of Environmental & Science Education, 11(2), 35-52. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 34 (3),343-357. Relationship among Laboratory Instruction, Attitude toward Science,and Achievement in Science Knowledge.

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Australian Council for Educational Research.įreedman, M.P. TOSRA: Test of Science-related Attitudes: Handbook. Riset Penelitian Perencanaan, Pelaksanaan, dan Evaluasi Riset Kualitatif & Kuantitatif Edisi Kelima.Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.įraser, B.J.(1981). Stereotypic Images of the Scientist: The Draw-A-Scientist Test.Science Education, 67(2), 255-262.Ĭreswell, J. Ghifted Education International,2, 118-220.Ĭhambers, D.W. Jakarta: PT Raja Grafindo Persada.īaines, S.,et.al. Physics Education Research, 2(1),1-11.Īfrizal. New Instrument for Measuring Student Beliefs about Physics and Learning Physics: The Colorado Learning Attitudes about Science Survey.

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